On On magazine - The History of the Hash House Harriers, written by hashers and FREE to all hasers.
The latest issue and back copies can be downloaded from the Dubai Desert Hash website.
The great majority of hash clubs are open to all, and particularly welcome to visiting hashers from other clubs
Other hashes in Essex:
Mersea Island Hash House Harriers
(Runs normally around the North-East of the county, Monday evenings in the summer and Saturday at 11.00 am during the winter)
Essex All Saints Hash House Harriers
(On National and other significant Saints days. Fancy dress obligatory)
First UK Full Moon Hash House Harriers https://fukfmh3.co.uk/
(Have run on every full moon since March 2010. Although started in Essex, trails are now laid all over the South East and have run overseas as well.)
Neighbouring hashes:
Herts Hash House Harriers http://www.hertshash.co.uk/
Cambridge Hash House Harriers http://www.ch3.co.uk/
London Hash House Harriers https://www.londonhash.org/
City Hash House Harriers https://cityhash.org.uk/
UK Hash House Harriers http://www.hhh.org.uk/index.cfm
(An excellent site that provides contacts to all UK clubs and also links to directories covering the rest of the world)